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The Importance of Regular Dental Check-ups

When was the last time you visited your dentist? If it's been a while, you're not alone. Many people visit dentist only when they have some serious dental problem. Most of us believe that brushing and flossing is enough to keep our teeth healthy. But, is that really true? Every time it is suggested that we should go for regular dental check-us, but why? Also, do you know that irregular dental check-ups could lead to bigger dental problems?

In this blog, we will shed some light on the importance of regular dental check-ups, for every age. Dental appointments at least twice a year, are more than just keeping your smile bright—they play a real important role in your overall health and well-being. Want to know why and how? Let’s begin!

It’s a Part of Preventive Dentistry – Detecting Early Problems

Do you know what preventive dentistry is? Of course, you must do daily dental care at home, such as brushing twice a day, flossing, tongue scrapping, use of mouthwash etc. But, along with this, getting regular dental check-ups is also important. When you combine all of these, i.e. your daily home care and regular dental check-ups, it is known as preventive dentistry. Now, why is it important?

Detect Oral Problems in its Early Stage!

By following preventive dentistry, which includes regular dental check-ups, you can allow your dentist to identify any dental problem, in its early stage. It can be anything, for example, a tooth decay or a gum disease. But, if it is detected early, then obviously, you can prevent the progression of the disease.

Professional Cleaning – Go Beyond Brushing and Flossing

Even if you are cleaning your teeth daily, and taking good care, still a professional oral cleaning is required frequently. There are areas in our mouth, where plaque and tartar can build-up. And of course, our brushes can’t reach those areas. Now, you also know that if a plaque is left for a long time, it can cause both tooth decay as well as gum decay, isn’t it? This is why your visit to a dentist can help you get a professional cleaning. Moreover, it can prevent oral issues such as bad breath and staining, or even decay, which you can’t handle on your own!

Personalized Advice and Education from a Professional (Including Cosmetic Procedures)

No doubt, now days we can get adequate information or education on any topic through the internet. If the topic is oral care, you will get a lots of videos and articles available online, teaching you, how you can attain a good oral health. But, don’t you think that a professional guidance and advice is much more trustworthy as well as knowledgeable?

You Have to Change Your Bad Habits or Lifestyle!

Whenever you are visiting your dentist, you will get genuine guidance on ways of taking better care of your teeth and gums. Once your dentist checks the condition of your oral health, like it has been damaged by any bad habits, or even hard brushing, he can advice you in better ways to either change your habits or lifestyle. Also, a dentist will always suggest you good dental products for better oral health.

Planning for Tooth Whitening?

Also, if you are planning for any type of cosmetic procedure, including tooth whitening, a professional advice is must. You should never go for third party information, which is easily available online. When you go for regular dental check-ups, you can consult about tooth whitening or other cosmetic procedures, if you require. Your dentist will guide you better if it’s right for you. And don’t forget, for any cosmetic procedure, including tooth whitening, your dentist is the only right person to carry these procedures legally.

You Will Know the Link between Oral Health and Overall Health

It is true that oral health is directly linked with overall health. If you have bad oral health, it can lead to various other health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or even infections. Do you know why dentist always check for any gum disease? It is so because gum disease is directly linked to diabetes.

So, if you go for regular dental check-ups, then you can prevent these health problems by keep good oral health. Apart from it, your dentist will provide you with personalized oral hygiene instructions, which can be beneficial for your overall health as well.

Head, Neck and Lymph Node Checks – Along With Signs of Oral Cancer

As a part of preventive dentistry, when you visit for regular dental check-ups, your dentist will check your mouth, gums and tongue for any diseases. Along with this, oral cancer detection is also done. Any unusual lumps or lesions in mouth can be a bad sign, and if it’s detected early, then it can be treated successfully.

Dental Check-up is more than Just Mouth and Teeth!

Do you know that during your dental check-up, your dentist doesn’t just focus on your teeth? They also analyse your neck, jaw, and the lymph nodes under your jawline. These areas might not cause you any pain or seem unusual, but if your dentist notices any swelling, lumps, or abnormalities, it could be a sign of something more serious.

You can Stay Safe from other Health Problems!

If your dentist finds anything unusual, he will let you know and guide you to the right medical professional. Detecting problems like swollen lymph nodes early is important because it can be a sign to certain types of cancer or other health problems that need immediate attention.

Check for Oral Damage Due to Your Bad Habits

Oral damage doesn’t only means breaking your jaws or teeth! Every one of us is having some bad habits, which can damage our oral health. This includes biting your nails, chewing ice, eating hard sweets or sticky substances, grinding your teeth, brushing hard, or having habits of drinking coffee or red wine, and even smoking. All of these can impact our oral health negatively.

Monitor any Oral Damage!

Now, if you are not visiting your dentist for a long time, you cannot track any oral damage, which might have been caused due to these habits. Regular dental check-ups keeps you protected as your dentist will check for any potential oral damage, which you might have not noticed. And if there’s any damage, your dentist will fix it easily.

Bottom Line

Now, you must have got an idea that visiting your dentist for regular dental check-up is really important for your overall health, and not for only dental health. You must know that taking care of your teeth at home is also important, but it’s not enough on its own. Regular dental check-ups can keep your mouth healthy and catching potential issues before they become serious.

By including dental appointments in your priority list, you will not just protect your smile, but you will also invest in your overall well-being. Don’t wait for a problem to arise. Schedule your dentist visit now and stay proactive about your dental health. For expert care and advice, you can always trust our expert professionals at Deer Valley Dental. Visit to book your appointment today.

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Teeth Whitening

Gently remove the harmful deposits that accumulate on teeth that can contribute to gum and other dental diseases

Provide you with easy-to-understand advice and information about at-home oral health care

Brighten your smile

Deer Valley Dental